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時間:2006-05-31 17:03:58
  • 作者:不死鳥
  • 編輯:ChunTian

第十三關(guān):亞歷山大(Level 13 – Alexandria)


Jean:Lara! You are alive! I feared for you. What’s…


(Jean顯然是想問“What's happened”——發(fā)生了什么事)

Lara:Von Croy has the amulet.

【Von Croy拿到了護身符。】

Jean:Ahh, this is bad. But he doesn’t yet have the armor; there is still time to prepare for Seth.


Lara:Jean, I am tired. Give a girl a break.


Jean:My dear, when all this is over, you can retire. But now, we must move swiftly. My men dive into the bay for remnants of Cleopatra’s lost palaces.




Jean:Yes. She realized the armor’s significance and had it brought here. Some was subsequently scattered. But...


Lara:And where would you recommend I start looking?


Jean:In the Catacombs under Alexandria, my diggers have unearthed chambers connected to the Great Library. This would hold the true location of Cleopatra’s palaces. But we have yet to find a way in.



Lara:Take me there.


Jean:But there is a problem...


Lara:Von Croy!

Jean:Yes, his dig is expanding, crossing over many of my own tunnels. Of course, my men no longer work when Von Croy’s thugs appeared on the scene.


Lara:Time to introduce myself to Werner’s loyal work force.


Jean:First you must get into the Catacombs. Von Croy has them completely sealed up. And I fear he will soon have the armor.

【首先你必須進入地下墓穴。Von Croy已經(jīng)把它們?nèi)糠忾]起來了。我擔(dān)心他很快就會拿到鎧甲。】

Lara:Over my dead body.



Jean:This I fear also. I shall wait here for news. Return if you feel I can help in any way. Good Luck, Lara. I fear that you may need it.


Lara:I make my own luck.


(還記得第一關(guān)的小Lara得到背包以后,怎么回答Von Croy的調(diào)侃的嗎?“我的命運由我自己掌握。”英文原句是一模一樣的。)


Jean:More information? Oui?

I believe some of the armor could be here in the town. A local collector had a small exhibition and was rumored to have a piece. It is hard to say if this is true. The man was a fool. A while back he vanished leaving the exhibition boarded up. If Von Croy has not gotten to it, perhaps, this would be the place to begin.


我相信鎧甲的一些部分就在這個鎮(zhèn)上。這里有個收藏家曾經(jīng)舉辦了一個展覽,有傳言說其中包含了鎧甲的一個部分。很難說這究竟是真是假。那人真是愚蠢。沒過多久他就消失了,丟下那些被柵木板圍起來的展覽品撒手不管了。如果Von Croy還沒有得到那個部分,或許你可以從那里開始?!薄?/p>



Jean:Lara, I have been doing some reading and it is highly probable that some of the armor is hidden down in the Catacombs themselves. But you must take care. Word of Von Croy’s men fleeing from the tunnels has reached me. Seth’s apparitions have been moving into the city and gathering at ancient sites. You must hurry and find the library.

【Lara,我查了一些資料,鎧甲的一部分很可能就藏在地下墓穴里。但是你必須小心。我聽說Von Croy的一些人從地道里逃了出來,說賽特手下的幽靈已經(jīng)進入了城市,在一些遠古遺址聚集起來了。你得趕緊找到圖書館?!?/p>

(“Word of Von Croy’s men fleeing from the tunnels has reached me.”直譯為“從地道里逃出來的Von Croy的人的話傳到了我這里?!保?/p>


Jean:Greetings Lara.

Remember, somewhere in the library will be the means to guide you to the location of Cleopatra’s Palaces. Von Croy will not know you have found the library yet. But I have heard, through connections, that he has hired new local help and is doubly searching for another way in. But I fear...that we must move quickly - if we are to stay ahead. Remember the Great Library was very much like a university to ancient Alexandria. It will full of knowledge, puzzles and inventions. You will need quick wits to get through.Good luck, old friend.


記住,圖書館的一些地方能指引你到達克里奧帕特拉宮殿。Von Croy還不知道你已經(jīng)發(fā)現(xiàn)了圖書館。但是我聽說他已經(jīng)新雇傭了幾個當(dāng)?shù)厝俗鰩褪?,在加班加點搜尋另一條通道??傊覔?dān)心……我們必須開足馬力趕在他前頭。記住,大圖書館更像是古代亞歷山大的一所綜合性大學(xué)。里面充滿了智慧,迷題和發(fā)明。你需要足夠機智才能通過。祝你好運,我的老朋友。 】



Jean:Ahh Lara, You have most truly put Von Croy’s nose out of joint this time. If even, well, get this less than perfect, I would be very happy. As it is, we must now be even more careful. He will become even more desperate and thus more dangerous. Be on your guard. Use the artifact to get into Cleopatra’s Palaces and find the rest of the armor. Tread carefully now. And not too much sightseeing, hm?

【啊,Lara,這回你幾乎真的給了Von Croy當(dāng)頭一棒!如果事情能夠更完美,我就會很高興了?,F(xiàn)在的問題是我們必須加倍小心。Von Croy現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)不顧一切了,因此更加危險。你千萬要注意防范。你可以用那個神物進入克里奧帕特拉宮殿,找到剩下的鎧甲。現(xiàn)在得步步小心,也不要逗留太久,嗯?】

(“put Von Croy’s nose out of joint”直譯為“把Von Croy的鼻子打脫臼”,此處采取意譯(也只能意譯)。“If even, well, get this less than perfect, I would be very happy.”這句話其實是說事情其實并不完美,Jean并不高興?!皀ot too much sightseeing”中的“sightseeing”是觀光的意思,用在這里一方面是要Lara不要掉以輕心,另一方面是要她抓緊時間。)

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  • 類型:動作游戲
  • 發(fā)行:Eidos Interactive
  • 發(fā)售:1999-11-17
  • 開發(fā):Core Design
  • 語言:簡中 | 英文
  • 平臺:PC
  • 標(biāo)簽:奇幻,女主人翁解謎

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